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MOTOR RAIL LTD ISBN: 9781911038092

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MOTOR RAIL LTD ISBN: 9781911038092

by Alan M. Keef

The Motor Rail & Tram Car Co. Ltd was registered on 20th March 1911, an offshoot of the East India Tramways Co. Ltd which had been formed in 1884 to build and operate a tram system in Karachi, in what is now Pakistan. This book explains the history of Motor Rail under the Abbott family, from the design of the original ‘Simplex’ gearbox giving two speeds in either direction, through the supply of light railway tractors during the First World War and the expansion of the locomotive business with worldwide sales (and the subsequent problems in South Africa after the Second World War). It then records the attempts at product diversification under new owners after 1965 and the eventual winding up of Motor Rail in 1987, when Alan Keef Ltd bought the company’s remaining rail assets. Finally, it looks at the histories of some of the extant locomotives. The volume is illustrated with over 200 photographs covering the full history and product range of the company.

Dimensions: 275x215mm
132 pages
Publisher: Lightmoor Press